
作者在 2010-05-25 13:05:53 发布以下内容
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXSIZE 20
#define ALWAYS 1
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAIL -1

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* types and external variables */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

typedef struct node Node; /* trail node (linked list) */

struct node { /* a node consists of ... */
int vertex; /* a vertex number field */
Node *next; /* and a next node ptr */

int connect[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; /* the connection matrix */
int deg[MAXSIZE]; /* degree array */
int n; /* number of vertices */
Node *trail; /* pointer to Euler trail */

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* function prototypes */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

void read_in(void);
Node *euler(void);
int prepare(Node **, Node **);
int find_next(Node **);
void find_trail(int, Node **, Node **);
void display(void);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

void main(void)
printf("\nEuler Trail Program");

read_in(); /* get data */
trail = euler(); /* compute Euler Trail */
display(); /* display result */

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION read_in : */
/* This function reads in the connection matrix and */
/* then compute the degree array. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

void read_in(void)
int i, j;
char line[100];

gets(line); /* get in number of vertices*/
n = atoi(line);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* clear the connection mtx*/
deg[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
connect[i][j] = 0;
gets(line); /* get 1st line of edge set */
sscanf(line, "%d%d", &i, &j);
while (i != 0 && j != 0) { /* end of file ? */
if (i != j) { /* a loop ? */
connect[i-1][j-1]++; /* increase edge cnt*/
deg[i-1]++; /* increase degree count */
else /* ignore all self loops */
printf("\n*** ERROR *** A loop found. Data ignored");
gets(line); /* get next edge */
sscanf(line, "%d%d", &i, &j);

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION euler : */
/* This is the main working routine of this program. */
/* It calls prepare() to initialize various data field and*/
/* some checks. Then compute the Euler Trail loop by loop*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

Node *euler(void)
Node *current; /* processing cursor */
Node *head, *tail; /* bound a partial trail */
Node *p1, *p2; /* working pointer variables*/
int VTX;

if (prepare(&head, &tail) == FAIL) /* prepare data */
return NULL; /* if fail, return NULL */

current = tail; /* start from the tail */
while (ALWAYS)
if ((VTX = find_next(&current)) != FAIL) {
find_trail(VTX, &p1, &p2);
p2->next = current->next; /* join the trail*/
current->next = p1;
current = p1; /* step to next node */
return head; /* return the trail list */

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION prepare : */
/* This function checks to see if there are more two */
/* odd degree vertices. It reject a graph with more than */
/* two odd degree vertices. Then it builds a preliminary */
/* trail list consisting of one node (if all vertices are */
/* even), or two nodes (for the two odd degree vertices). */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

int prepare(Node **first, Node **last)
Node *p1, *p2;
int no, odd_no, i;
int odd[2];

for (no = odd_no = i = 0; i < n; i++) /* test odd deg*/
if (deg[i] % 2 != 0) {
if (no < 2)
odd[no++] = i;
if (odd_no > 2) { /* more than two odd deg VTX*/
printf("\n*** ERROR *** too many odd degree vertices.");
return FAIL;
if (odd_no == 2) { /* exactly two odd VTX */
p1 = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); /* get mem. */
p2 = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
connect[odd[0]][odd[1]]--; /* just remove this */
connect[odd[1]][odd[0]]--; /* odd degree edge */
p1->vertex = odd[0]; /* these two vertices are */
p1->next = p2; /* the must for first step */
p2->vertex = odd[1]; /* thus put them into the */
p2->next = NULL; /* trail list */
*first = p1; /* return this list */
*last = p2;
else { /* all vertices are even */
p1 = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); /* get mem. */
p1->vertex = 0; /* it is the only one node */
p1->next = NULL; /* in the trail list */
*first = *last = p1;/* return the trail list */
return SUCCESS;

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION find_next : */
/* Given a pointer to some vertex which has already */
/* been put into trail list, this function scans the trail*/
/* list in order to find a vertex with non-zero degree. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

int find_next(Node **p)
for (;(*p)!=NULL && deg[(*p)->vertex]==0; (*p)=(*p)->next)
return ((*p) == NULL) ? FAIL : (*p)->vertex;

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION find_trail : */
/* Given a vertex, this function computes a trail */
/* starting from the given vertex and returns the trail */
/* list found. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

void find_trail(int start, Node **head, Node **tail)
Node *first, *last, *ptr;
int p, i, done;

first = last = NULL; /* no node in list currently*/
p = start; /* p is a moving vertex */
done = NO;
while (ALWAYS) {
for (i = 0; i < n && !connect[p][i]; i++)
; /* find a VTX adjacent to p */
if (i < n) { /* p->i is possible */
connect[p][i]--, connect[i][p]--;
deg[p]--, deg[i]--;
ptr = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
ptr->vertex = i; /* make node and put */
ptr->next = NULL; /* it into the trail */
if (first == NULL)
first = last = ptr;
else {
last->next = ptr;
last = ptr;
p = i; /* step to the next */
else /* if can not proceed, stop */
*head = first; /* return the trail list */
*tail = last;

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* FUNCTION display : */
/* Simple routine. It display the Euler Trail. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

void display(void)
Node *ptr = trail;
int i = 0;

if (trail == NULL)
printf("\nAn Euler Trail has been Found :\n");
for ( ; ptr->next != NULL; ptr = ptr->next, i++) {
if (i % 15 == 0) printf("\n");
printf("%2d->", ptr->vertex+1);
if (i % 15 == 0) printf("\n"); /* the last item */
printf("%2d", ptr->vertex+1);

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