November 11th......

作者在 2007-11-12 06:38:00 发布以下内容

Who think it out? A festival for singles.Means many 1s come together and emuse themself.

But today if it is my festival I wondered. Am I single?  But is she my girl friend? What a triangle love I have? The boy, too faraway from her, was loved by her, they chat me and leave messages on-line. But I, the boy,who also whenever loved by her, was always staying beside or behind her, but always sit in the cold hall.

He's her boyfriend.She's his girlfriend. But who am I I wonder. We laughed, we chatted we held on fast, and I take a position in her heart, but I not in the hero of the love legend. A hope maybe in front of me, but whenever I hand out, I touch nothing.

Estrange, I hate this word, but now I was estranged. Every boy may chat with her happily, but I remained sitting in the cold hall outsdie the reading room.

Cold in heart. Cry in heart.But a warm laugh on face.

That is everyday,suffering, boring, crazying, exhausting all the night........but stand up once again when a tomorrow come.


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