
作者在 2010-03-25 19:51:50 发布以下内容
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_VEXTEX_NUM 9 /* 图中顶点数 */
#define ARC_NUM 12       /* 图中弧数 */

/* 定义描述图的顶点之间连接信息的数组 */
int GraphEdge[ARC_NUM * 2][2] = {{0,1},{1,0},{1,2},{2,1},{2,3},{3,2},{3,4},{4,3},{4,5},{5,4},{5,0},{0,5},{0,6},{6,0},{6,8},{8,6},{6,7},{7,6},{7,8},{8,7},{7,3},{3,7},{8,4},{4,8}};
int visited[MAX_VEXTEX_NUM]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
/*定义表结点,即每条弧对应的结点 */
typedef struct ArcNode{
  int adjvex;                 /* 该弧所指向的顶点的位置 */
  struct ArcNode * nextarc;   /* 指向下一条弧的指针 */

/* 定义头结点 */
typedef struct VNode{
  int data;                    /* 顶点信息 */
  struct ArcNode * firstarc;   /* 指向第一条依附该顶点的弧的指针 */

/* 定义图的结构 */
typedef struct {
    VNode vertices[MAX_VEXTEX_NUM];/* 定义表头数组 */
    int vexnum;      /* 定义图中顶点数 */
    int arcnum;      /* 定义图中弧数 */

void CreateGraph(ALGraph * alGraph)
    int i,j;
    ArcNode * newnode;
    ArcNode * vexNode;
    alGraph->vexnum = MAX_VEXTEX_NUM;
    alGraph->arcnum = ARC_NUM;
    /* 初始化表头 */
        alGraph->vertices[i].data = i;
        alGraph->vertices[i].firstarc = NULL;    
        i = GraphEdge[j][0];
          newnode = ( ArcNode * ) malloc (sizeof(ArcNode));
          newnode->adjvex = GraphEdge[j][1];
          newnode->nextarc = NULL;
          alGraph->vertices[i].firstarc = newnode;
          vexNode = alGraph->vertices[i].firstarc;
          while(vexNode->nextarc != NULL)
            vexNode = vexNode->nextarc;
          newnode = ( ArcNode * ) malloc (sizeof(ArcNode));
          newnode->adjvex = GraphEdge[j][1];
          newnode->nextarc = NULL;
          vexNode->nextarc = newnode;
/* 打印这个图 */
void OutputGraph(ALGraph * alGraph)
    int i;
    ArcNode * vexNode;
    printf("The graph dedicated by adjacency list is:\n");
        printf("the header is: [%d]  -> ",alGraph->vertices[i].data);
        vexNode = alGraph->vertices[i].firstarc;
        while(vexNode != NULL)
          printf("[%d] -> ",vexNode->adjvex);
void DFS(ALGraph * alGraph,int v)
    int w;
    ArcNode * vexNode;
    visited[v] = 1;
    printf("[%d] -> ",v);
    vexNode = alGraph->vertices[v].firstarc;
    while(vexNode != NULL)
        w = vexNode->adjvex;
        vexNode = vexNode->nextarc;
/* 图的深度优先遍历 */
void DFSTraverse(ALGraph * alGraph)
    int i;
        visited[i] = 0;
    puts("*  the function DFSTraverse will traverse  *");
    puts("*     the graphby Depth First Search       *");
    puts("the result of DFS is:");
        if(visited[i] == 0)
/*为了实现广度优先遍历,需要借助一个队列 */
typedef struct{
  int queuemem[MAX_QUEUEMEM];
  int header;
  int rear;
void InitQueue(QUEUE *queue)
    queue->header = 0;
    queue->rear = 0;
void EnQueue(QUEUE *queue,int v)
    queue->queuemem[queue->rear] = v;
int DelQueue(QUEUE *queue)
    return queue->queuemem[queue->header++];
int EmptyQueue(QUEUE *queue)
   if(queue->header == queue->rear)
     return 1;
   return 0;
/* 广度优先遍历 */
void BFSTraverse(ALGraph * alGraph)
    int i;
    int w;
    ArcNode * vexNode;
    QUEUE queue;
        visited[i] = 0;
    puts("*  the function BFSTraverse will traverse  *");
    puts("*     the graph by Breadth First Search    *");
    puts("the result of BFS is:");
        if(visited[i] == 0)
            visited[i] = 1;
            printf("[%d] -> ",i);
              w = DelQueue(&queue);
              vexNode = alGraph->vertices[w].firstarc;
              while(vexNode != NULL)
                w = vexNode->adjvex;
                  visited[w] = 1;
                  printf("[%d] -> ",w);
                vexNode = vexNode->nextarc;
int main()
    ALGraph alGraph;
    return 0;
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